No, no, don't talk to me (Corky). I'm just gearing up for my concert tonight. You know the one. Heidi, Jethro, KC, Spencer, and I (can we say 5th wheel, boys and girls?) are all going to see Poison in Toronto. I am SO excited because this will be a REAL concert with my two best friends. Beyonce was awesome, but it was a diva show. This will be a REAL concert. A rock show. Old school. Oh yeah.
We (KC, Spencer and I ) were going to take the greyhound, but we wouldn't make it back in time, so (here's the best part) Spencer's MOM is driving us and picking us up. I feel like a spazz. I'll probably feel like an even bigger spazz when I get into her car with my teased hair belting out 80's tunes.

We were going to bring a big, sparkly sign that says C.C., I LOVE YOU!, but Jethro asked me if HE would be sitting with us.
Point taken. I'll leave the sign at home, BUT, I am seriously thinking of teasing my hair and sneaking some booze in. (Yup, in the bra. I could get a 60 in there)
Sorry Jethro. I can't promise anymore than that.
Later, friends. I gotta go find my hairspray. I only have 4 hours before Mom gets here to pick us up.
OMGGGGGGGG details, I want details after words. lol
You may need a couple cans of hair spray to get the full 80's "big hair" look. hehehehe
Have a good time and I look forward to the photo's.
go and enjoy have and have lots of fun and take loads of photos to share
This post is fab and your happiness shines through. I am glad you are all going to have a great time tonight Biddie, you all deserve it.
I wish I could tease my hair and suck it all in with you. Oh wait, I haven't got any hair...oh bollocks.
They don't look very punky. Oh well, have a good'n.
Only 60 in yer bra? Amateur!! I can get double that in me pants!!!!!
Have a blast!
I want to see a pic of that hair!
WOW! Flashback to the 80's and rockin' out to my Poison casette tapes! fun stuff!
Write your report!!!!!
Post the pictures!!!!!!!!
I'll race ya!!!!!!!!
I hear that C.C. stands for Captain Corky... and I never talk dirty Biddie. I'm a good boy.
I think I told you the other day how I wish I was seeing this one.
Have a blast!
wtg glad you got to have a night out and get away from it all for awhile. We all need that from time to time.
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