We took the pups to see the vet yesterday for their first check up. The doc was pleasantly surprised that all of the puppies survived after the close call that we had with Ruby and the fact that we started bottle feeding at two weeks old. In fact, these pups are the healthiest pups that the vet has seen in a long time! Yay us! It all paid off in a big way - the sleepless night, the expensive baby food, the vet bills. We had five healthy puppies!

Bruno found a home. It is, my humble opinion, one of the best homes ever.. He is staying right here! We just couldn't bear to part with him.

Mia will go to her new home of Friday and honestly, I am going to miss her like you would not believe! We had Chloe here yesterday (she went to the vet with her siblings) and Ruby was beside herself with happiness. Poor Chloe (now named Darby) was covered in Ruby slobber the whole time that she was here. She played with her sisters and brother like old times. They will be visiting each other again - it's one of the benefits of having Shawn's sisters adopt the doggies.

Look how big Bruno is now! He is a whopping 3.63 pounds, almost half of Ruby's weight already! She weighs in at 8 pounds.
isn't life beautiful?
I just couldn't do it. I wouldn't be able to give any of them up - they are so adorable - such babies!
I feel for you girl - I really do.
Oh, I love Paul Simon! The pups are so adorable - you've been such good mammas!
Life is beautiful and very soon I will be bottle feeding, and burping a new pup too. ;)
OOoOoo I'm so glad for Bruno and you!!!! You did a great job mama.
Oh, that's perfect!!! I know of somebody who will be elated...
That puppy in the glasses, was he in the Buggles?
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