How serendipitous was it that The Rebels just happened to be in K-Town on my 40+1 birthday? I was finally able to keep a loong ago promise to my first born.
We saw The Forgotten Rebels and they kicked ass! Speaking of kicking, how do like my new kicks? They were a birthday gift from KC along with the Rebels night out, and a ton of other things...New clothes, a night out at the movies....I was most definitely spoiled. Not like I am complaining :)
Of course, I can't go to a punk event without running into someone that remembers me, or more likely my brother. He was a real mover and shaker back in the day.
Here is KC standing between a very happy looking Dan and the Bass player, Shawn. Security no match for our womenly wiles. Just saying.
Lookit my girl. She blows my mind. So beautiful, so much fun.
My birthday was great. Kayla and Cody gave me gorgeous roses, and gift card for the movies. Shawn took me to get my hair done, I had a wild night out, my brother called, and my Mum called.
40+1 is off to a great start!
I'll stick to C&W.
Happy 40+1! It looks like you and KC had a great night. Love the shoes, and the pics are awesome.
I never would be able to get my mom to go to something like that with me!
Maggie Mae
Coffeypot - I like some C&W, mostly Johnny Cash. I mean who doesn't like the man in black?
But seriously, what about my new shoes????? :)
Maggie - I love the Forgotten Rebels, so of course I wanted to go! I don't think that my Mum - I KNOW that my Mum would never see a concert like that with me...Truth is though, not everyone is so cool :)
We really did have so much fun, and I do love the shoes.
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