Pinch me. Seriously. I just found out that the powers that be are filming a NEW V mini series. That's right. 20 years in the making. This is the best news that I've heard in MONTHS.
Even better, Marc Singer, Jane Badler, and Faye Grant are all signed on.
I feel faint.
That should be interesting to see. I liked the first mini-series. I hope they do it justice. Maybe they'll even do what they did with BSG, take a classic and make it better.
I can't wait to see what they'll do. I LOVED V. I used to come up with my own story lines and dreamed of one day writing for the show.
Man, I was a geek.
I don't have a clue what you are talking about, but I am excited that you are excited! ;-)
Cindydianne - One of the many reasons that I love you! You're just happy cuz I'm happy.
V was my fav mini series/TV show when I was about 15ish. You've never heard of it? I can send you a copy of my movie, if you want....
That should be interesting - I used to watched that show and liked it.
I loved that show! :)
Say it ain't so. i don't think I can go thru all that again!
You are so CUTE! I too have no idea what show your are talking about [this is a Canadian show, yes?] but I recognize the actor in the bottom pic - is he the tight jeans guy?
I am so excited for you - I will see if Skippyhusband can find a copy of it at the vid store tonight.
Love you!
stinkypaw - Another V lover. We seem to be a minority out here in blog land.
Tod - YAY! Another V lover. Can you believe that some people have never heard of V?
asterisk - WHAT? Say it ain't so? You're joking, right?
Skippy - Nope, not Canadian. A Canadian movie made in the 80's would be but a blip on the radar.
Yes, Marc Singer is tight jeans guy. Remember him in Beastmaster? Yummy.
Ooh a bright spot! We all need our bright spots.
(Your labels are just killin me lately!)
Heidi - I'm so excited. I feel like a little kid waiting for Santa! You like the labels? Cool. I'm feeling fairly uninspired as of late.............
did you see American Gothic with Marc as the creeepy sheriff? I wish they'd revisit that place.
Dilling - I missed that! Was it a movie? I need to see it! I love me some Marc. He WAS on my crush list.
Are you feeling better? How are things going? Let us know....
nah, it was a really shortlived series sometime around 98 or 99....creepy and cool and too much for the masses...it took a little brain power to follow....a bit dark, a little twisted but scrumptious
Not since the Beast Master 2 have I been this excited. ;) I liked V when it was on.
Dilling - I remebered the name, but I missed the show. I wonder if I can find it on dvd somewhere? Creepy, cool, and Marc Singer? What's not to love?
Corky - I knew that you would be thrilled! I can hardly wait! I heard that it was coming out in May, but it might have been pushed back....
Biddie - you really should answer your comments in a post each weeks....hee - you are so great at responding to everyone I hope everyone knows to read the comments, eh?
and no I don't remember Beastmaster - heehee..or V for that matter, but that actor I do...I think he did a lot of those after school special type supporting actor roles...but I am going to look for V....
Skippy - Who are you? You don't remeber Beastmaster OR V? Ok, this is serious. I'll try to make a copy of for you, too.
Educating the masses.
Dilling - Marc Singer wasn't in American Gothic. That was Gary Cole as the devil sheriff.
Biddie - I liked Beastmaster, but the only V I like is where a womans legs meet. Oh! Sorry 'bout that. I'll be good. The series was good, too.
coffeypot - I remember Gary Cole in that role!. Sort of. I don't think that I ever watched it, but it rings a bell now.
You know that this a PG blog, not rated R! Can you believe that so many people out there missed V the first time around? Thank goodness for V, The Second Generation!
so so so sorry never seen it never heard of it so do you still love me!?
I really have no idea what you're talking about here (and no real time to look it all up) but YaY that you're looking foward to it!:-)
you beat me to it, coffeypot! that thought woke me up in the middle of the night!!! honest! and i had just made my coffee(honest) and settled down here at the computer to make my corrections and apologies...and there you were, beating me to the punch...it was a great show, though, wasn't it?
her indoors - I still love you! I just can't believe how many have haven't see n or heard of my favourite (all time fav) TV show. Makes me sad. :(
Ldbug - You're a little younger than the rest of us, so I can see why you have never seen it. How old would you have been in 84? 5, maybe? I, on the other hand, was 15, and full of raging hormones.
SIGH....Good times.
Dilling - I do kinda sorta remember that show now. I could see Gary Cole being uber creepy. Think I could find it on DVD.
NO! PLEASE! NO! It was crap first time around. Look what they've done to Battlestar Gallactica! Starbuck's had a sex change. I know we're in the middle of insane political correctness but Starbuck!!??
That was me above. Can't bear a spelling mistake!
Bring it on I say! We need more shows where reptile humanoids eat hamsters!
I didn't have a thing for Mark though it was that bald guy in the leather jacket that yanked my chain.
4D - You're breaking my heart, here.
I haven't seen the new BSG. From what I have seen, I don't like it. New and improved? Not so much.
Tod - You liked Michael Ironside! So did I ! I loved him. He's Canadian, too. Something about Canadian guys.
Michael Ironside isn't exactly hot, but there is something about him. maybe it's the gruffness, or the devil may care 'tude. Dunno, but I like it.
Mom, you are a giant geek. I hate V. I'm sorry. Can't we watch reruns of Buffy, or Angel or something worthwile.
KC - You know that I love Buffy and Angel, but I loved V 1st. Before you, actually.
Just sayin'.
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