Saturday, September 08, 2007

What a week! The girls went back to school on Tuesday, and the house has been so quiet...Well, except for our little ghost girl. She came to visit on Tuesday morning. I heard her rolling something across Jessica's bedroom floor - and then footsteps running after it - for a full five minutes. FIVE minutes. Think that isn't long? Yeah, well, try listening to someone scampering around in your house when you KNOW that you are home alone. Five minutes is a LONG time. She has been very active all week. I am getting used it, but I don't like it.

I have been off of my meds for about a month now. Luckily for me, I haven't bottomed out. Unluckily for those living with me, I am feeling very manic. When I am manic, I am very UP. Think complete lunacy. Now you got the picture. Yup. Last weekend I laughed for over an hour about nothing. NOTHING. I just couldn't stop. I hate it. It's better than the other side of the coin, though. At least I'm not crying.

We are now the proud owners of a dishwasher, too. That's probably the best thing that's happened around here in ages. We got it for free. FREE. The funny thing is, for years, I have been hearing the girls say things like 'If we had a dishwasher I would empty it and put all of the dishes away. I would never complain about dishes again..' Yeah, right. It's still like pulling teeth to get any help with the damn thing.

Thanksgiving is sneaking up on us, too.(Another 4 weeks or so here in Canada). I'm not that fond of Thanksgiving, to be honest with you. Ever since I was exiled from the family, it's just another day to me. We don't have anyone to invite, and Shawn makes big meals all of the time. Yay. I miss the days of the 30+ family members gathered around the table, talking about what we are thankful for. I know that most of people weren't really family. I know it, but I miss those days just the same. If any of my blog buddies are going to be in my neck of the woods around this time next month, give me a call. We have more than enough.....

P.S. I have some new friends on the blogroll. Check them out...


Anonymous said...

I'm in agreement about Thanksgiving. It could be really nice if you had loving family all around where you could all accept each other. can be really painful and lonely when family has no clue what Thsnksgiving is all about! I'm in the US, so we have until the end of November here, but I'm already dreading it.


Don't have it over in England - bugger all left to give thanks for if yer ask me -

Still. Free food? free booze? (plus I'd get to meet yer). Sign me up for next year babe x

Burfica said...

bummer about thanksgiving. My mother loved thanksgiving and christmas. It was very hard for me last year. First year without her.

Even if it's just me and kiddo and hubby, I still go all out and make a huge meal. I dunno....Just what mom would have done.

Canadian flake said...

yeah I hear ya on the Thanksgiving thing..I try to make us a nice meal but we don't see my family any more...did I mention they are a bunch of losers?? LOL. hang in there hon.

Canadian flake said...

sorry meant to ask..why you off meds?? because of the cost?? If so...ever heard of the trillium program?? Just a thought...hope you are feeling better.

DJ Kirkby said...

We'll be clebrating Thanksgiving too but over here in can take me out of Canada but you can't take the Canadian out of me!

Gardenia said...

Now, with a family, getting a dishwasher would set me to laughing as well. I love dishwashers and anything else that saves work!

Oh, jeez, Thanksgiving is around the corner - right? I used to invite everyone I knew that would be alone - then found out one of my daughters hated it - so I quit - so its just me & my daughters usually. Two years in Wyoming it was me & my mother - I would cry for the rest of my family I missed.

This year, I'm doing something special - decorating and making something really special - don't know what though.

jAMiE said...

Thanksgiving i can take...Christmas gets me down. I love fall though..