I forgot some very important guys in my first crush post. I'm sure that I'll forget more, but I just HAD to mention these guys. Oh, all of my crushes will be FAMOUS people this time.

Corey Haim. I know that he tried to sell his teeth on E Bay. I know that he is drug addidct that had to get his mom to pay his tab at Candy Mountain. I KNOW. He's a cute little Canadian boy, and I love him anyway. Sorry
Jon Erik Hexum. He was only 26 when he died. I was about 15 and it crushed my spirit. He died too young, and with so much potential. On the bright side, he was an organ donor, and many people benefited from this tragedy. Among them was a pimp, who recieved his liver (or kidneys, my memeory is a bit hazy on that part). Great news for all of the johns out there.

James Marsters, also from Buffy. He's scrawny, and pale, but also moody and brooding. I love him.

I can't post my crushes without mentioning Keanu Reeves. Dreamy. I have loved him since Bill and Ted. Or was it Rivers Edge? Who knows? Who cares? He's just dreamy. Sigh.
please let me comment. Please let me comment. Pleeeeaasseeeee
I need to find a copy of River's Edge.
Jerry O'Connell - I loved him on "Crossing Jordan" - there were some AMAZING shots of those abs!! He's definately filled out a bit since his "My Secret Identity" days!
will we ever finish our list? it's hard to imagine, but very gratifying, to find others as boy crazy as myself.
I hope the crush list is never finished!!!
I figured out how to post comments! I feel so smrt.
"sliders" was a seriously underrated show. I loved Jerry on that too.
Of course any Buffy alumni make my list, even Oz :)
Debbie Harry, Toyah Wilcox, Claire Grogan (Altered Images group / Gregorys Girl movie), Anabella Lwin (Bowwowwow group), Heather Noble (the girl at the top of me road when I was 10)
ps : The Drunk Punk Radio Show goes out Saturday midnight GMT. Dunno the time over there. 13:00? ish..Anyroad, if yer want a listen to me sounds n demented ramblings instructions on me blog how to. Any requests?
this is not anon. I am the Adult in Question. Blogger Beta blows and I refuse to switch. Also, if
Blogger had a face I would say it ti them.
This is getting weird.
I'm gonna hold out on this beta bull as long as I can...
JUST TO SPITE THEM! mwa ha ha ha ha!
I will exact your beta revenge Biddie
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