Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Are Any Of My Blog Buddies In Fairfax County?

Skippymom needs your help. I can't do links, (cuz I suck), but, you can find her on my sidebar. Scoot on over there and see if you can help, ok?


SkippyMom said...

This is why I love you Biddie...
Hugs to y'all....the Porcupine will be home soon and call you.

Now stop worrying! It will all be okay. I swear.

Biddie said...

Why are you trying to calm ME down? You are too much. Let me know when he's safe. ok? Can't wait to hear from my little buddy....

whimsical brainpan said...

Wow. I wish I could do something to help. You are such a good friend.

Biddie said...

whimsical - I wish that I could do more. Skippy haas been through the wringer, and she has held her high throughout it all. She has been gracious and more forgiving than anyone I have ever known. This is so unfair.
I am still trying to figure out my links. Ever since the switch to beta, I have a hard time even getting into my blog. Any advice?

whimsical brainpan said...

No advice on the new blogger (gee I'm a lot of help). I haven't had any problem getting into my blog.

I wonder if it is because I already had a Gmail account. I use it as a back up e-mail and I had to get it to go on G-talk (the only way I can IM one of my friends).