Today is Ruby Tuesdays second birthday. She is the 4 legged love of my life. She makes me get up even when I am tired or depressed, she makes me laugh, and she keeps me company when I too depressed to function. She just simply stays with me. I can't imagine life without her.
This week is KC's semi formal dinner to celebrate her grduation from college. Yikes. I do NOT do dresses, and I am freaking out about my hair. I need a cut, pronto, but I also need to pay for the tickets to the event and pay for Jessicas grad photos. Yup, she is graduating from grade 8 this year. The pictures turned out great, and of course, they are way too expensive. With a kid as good looking as Jessica, I have to buy a pile of them.
Shawn is not a worry. He had to buy a new suit for the funeral (he was a pallbearer) and it looks delicious. Hubba hubba. I want him to wear it the next time that we have the house to ourselves.....:)
Maybe I'll post photos of the big event. Well, I will get Kayla or KC to post the post photos.
Well, it is another gorgeous day here in my part of Ontario, so I think that I will go soak up the sun like Ruby and Bumble are doing.
very cute! I know exactly what you mean about those dogs ehlping us humans!
That was "helping" sorry
Chellie - LOL. No worries about spelling errors. I am quite fluent in typo!
Ruby is the best medicine ever.
Give her a hug for me!
She is so beautiful.
Critters are such efficient healers, aren't they?
A belated Happy Birthday to Ruby Tuesday! She doesn't look a day over one. ;-)
I'm not overly fond of dresses my own self.
Heidi - I will. I am so proud of her..She has been through so much in the past six months or so, and is still keeping up at school.
Critters are the best healers.
Whim - She really does look good, doesn't she? :) I still haven't figured out what I am gonna wear...
A lot of good stuff coming up for you guys. I like to hear that, Biddie. Congrats to both of your daughters!
Oh... Happy Birthday, Ruby Tuesday!
Foxy is like that with me. I'm glad you have that kind of joy.
and uggghhh I don't do dresses either. I guess I should think about a dress and getting gigantor a suit and maybe kiddo some actual dress clothes as he gets older and has more things to go to.
lots of congratulations around your place...
send back my spring weather, though, would you?!?
Oh my goodness! Why didn't I know you lived in Ontario? I was born in Guelph you know! Sometimes I miss it - but not so much with all the people there now. My family moved to Sudbury and I spent all my school years there before moving back to Guelph.
Now - I didn't even know you were bi-polar! I need to read profiles more often. They say my brother is bi-polar but we think he is uni-polar...
Anyway - you should have a look at Sweet Irene - she is bi-polar and writes about it all the time. But then again - it may depress you - I don't know - you'll have to be the judge. Here's her link.
A dress is not always necessary - just a big smile and your dressiest clothes with some nice jewelry. Save yourself some money and put some makeup on and curl your hair.
Take your own camera and save on buying pics?
Caz likes a man in a suit too.
Dunno why she likes me then ;-)
Wear what the hell you like. It's you.
Aww, I miss having a pet!!
It's amazing how pets can make us feel better.
What an absolutely adorable dog. She makes me want one!
Oh, kid pics. And they always turn out so irrestible how can we send any back to the company's shredder?
Yes, do post pics - we want to see you & Shawn dressed to the nine's!
Go, girl, with that man in the suit! Make him do you a lap dance!
Congrats to KC for graduation from college and to Jessica for finishing Grade 8! My own oldest, Jasmine, is also finishing Grade 8 this year. Hard to believe I'll be the parent of a High School student come September! As for the grade 8 grad photos, we bought the smallest package with a 5x7 in it, and if I need more, I'll just scan the 5x7 and print them on my printer - I refuse to pay those outrageous prices for professional photos!
As for wearing a dress, why bother? Just get yourself a nice pant-suit - dresses are not mandatory...
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