My former mother-in-law is coming over today. There was something mentioned about donuts and coffee. I love when she comes over. She loves my Hubby and tells everyone that he is her son in law. When you go to her house, your just as likely to photos of us as you are to see photos of my ex. Actually, you're more likely to see photos of us..
Grandma just got here, with donuts as promised. Guess it's up to me to make the coffee.....
Yay! Grandma! She's so great!!!!!
You'll always be her daughter inlaw. Always.
you have a pizza cookie AND you get donuts???? Geez, I'm on my third day of pot roast leftovers!!! Man oh man, Horton's here I come.
Some people are good people no matter how you are related. You and your (ex)mother-in-law must be good people. Hmm coffee and donuts the perfect combination for a fall day...
ha! I called my son that today! He practically asked for it!!
I'm very curious about that pizza cookie. I have to know what that's all about.
I thought it was a pizza too - and was asking myself "Uh Biddie, what did you DO?" heehheheh then I read the description and thought WHAT a cool Christmas idea and a great gift for folks with kids [you can wrap it in a pizza box - a lot of pizzarias will give you an extra box if you just ask - only one tho'at a time]
Did you get the seeds vacuumed up before the coffee and donuts? ;D
Hey girl throw some cookies my way love them and a good brew, come find me when you get a min and share them cookies.
Mmmmmm cookies and donuts. Now I'm hungry. I have a horrible sweet tooth.
You ex MIL sounds like an extremely cool person.
skippy - What an awesome idea!!! The girls had so much fun making it...I got all of Bird's seeds cleaned up with time to spare. As usual, she had a ton of crazy stories for us...Good times...
nonny - She is soo cool. We have so much fun together. I'll dig up some photos and post 'em ...
mjd - My fmil is a great person. I stayed in my bad marriage for a lot of reasons...too many to name, but one of those reasons was her. Turns out that we're just as close as ever, and she loves my new Hubby, too. Who couls ask for more?
dilling - That's nothing! Hubby made homemade pie. I truly am spoiled.
jo - too bad I couldn't share the cookies...They were SO good!
heidi - the pizza cookie was made out of extra dough..I guess that the girls got tired of using the cookie cutters. It was so good, really. I think that putting them in pizza boxes and giving them as gifts is a great idea. Way more cool then plain boring cookies....
KC - I forgot that you read my blog. Shit. That's right, I just cursed...Ass-hat...
ill be over at two o:clock..have the coffee ready...
fancy face - Sorry! There's none left...Maybe next time???
Oooh a Grandma bearing donughts. How lucky. I never had that experience a mine had died before I was born. That's one huge cookie you got there!
wow i could eat that cookie all by myself, so glad my tooth is on the mend!
Tod - a grandma bearing donuts is the best kind! I was lucky enough to have 5 grandmas....I still have 1 left. We're not very close, she is quite religious and doesn't approve of my lifestyle. I do love her, tho. I was very close to my Nanie, my dad's mom, and she spoiled me rotten. Every kid should have a grandma....
her indoors - even with a bad tooth you could've eaten this cookie..It was oh-so soft!
What an idea! Pizza cookie!!
What's the orange stuff on the pizza cookie?
cindydianne - it's icing left over from halloween. yummm
ldbug - I let the kids loose in the kitchen and this is what they came up with..Not bad..
Wow, that looks yummy. You wouldn't happen to have a great recipe for cut out cookies to share, would you?
Anyway, it's great that you have a wonderful relationship with your former MIL. I have a very similar relationship with my older son's grandmother (she was never actually my MIL, since I was smart enough not to marry her loser son - lol). I tend to joke that I've always been an out law and never an in-law to her. She and her husband have become like second parents to me and they love my hubby too. They even treat my younger 2 kids (not related to them at all) like they were their grandchildren as well. There are pictures of all 3 of my kids all over their house. Drives my ex nuts ~insert evil laugh here~.
That's my favorite part about Christmas. All the cooking and inviting everyone elses kids over (since I only have a dog and a bird) to decorte cookies. I always cook them before they come over so all they have to do is decorate. Love it.
No MIL's but glad you have great one. Why yes, I'd love to come over for some coffee and a cookie, why do you ask. Just let me know when... :-)
ann - I don't have a recipe, we bought ready made dough...It was good, though!
I am so lucky that my fmil and I are so close. She loves my older girls (from my 1st marriage) like her own. They're all just her girls. I must admit, I do get a warm fuzzy when I think about how it drives my ex and his new wife crazy.....
dj andi - aren't you in Florida? Do you live near the beach? Maybe I should come visit you? Just an idea....
dj andi - You're in Georgia, with Marni! I just remembered! It must be nicer than here in the winter....But, hey, if you still want to come, there's always a fresh pot of coffee on.
I'm in Florida near the beach, and judging by the language I've heard on the beach recently, lots of your countrymen are already down here, so you might as well come join us.
If you're looking for hot and humid in November, this is the place for you. We've had exactly 3 days of pleasant weather so far (meaning highs under 80 and lows in the mid 60's).
Yes Georgia. I work with Marni and she got me all hooked up with the Blog. I really thought I had more to write about but sometimes I just can't think of anything. I like cold weather, but I don't think I could handle the winters you do. Yes it will be below 40 when we wake up, but it's supposed to get up to 70. That's just wrong in November.
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