I have a lot on my mind lately. There has been a lot going on, and not just with Jessica. Things have been crappy any way you slice it. I am not going to go into all of that right now, I am going to deal with the most pressing issue. I need help from all of buddies with this one.
What should Shawn and I be for Hallowee'n?
You don't understand the pressure. Each year has to better than the last. One year, Shawn was Elvis, and I was his screaming fan. I followed him everywhere. Then, there was the year that I was the Paper Bag princess aned Shawn was an angry housewife. Oh yeah. He wore a robe and a hair net, and lipstick. Don't believe me?

I thought that this year maybe we could be Dog and Beth. Shawn can't stand the thought of putting seashells and feathers in his long flowing locks, even if it is a wig. I would need the best push up bra ever, but hey, sacrifices MUST be made.
Shawns other big idea is a cooler on our heads.
Because cooler heads will prevail.
So, friends, you can see my problem. I need my costume to be unique, fun, and most of all, cheap.
Any suggestions?
i envy you really, we dont go in for dressing up halloween is not a big thing over here.
how about the rocky horror show?
That reminds me of the couple who were going to a Halloween party dressed as a cow. He was the front and she was in the back. They took a shortcut through a pasture, and the bull came charging toward them. She screamed and asks what they were going to do. He said he was going to lower his head like he was eating grass and she had better brace herself.
So be careful but have fun.
Her Indoors - We LOVE dressing up! We thought about Rocky Horror, but I am not so much into it...Shawn would be, though. Maybe I'll suggest it to him. :)
Coffeypot - LOL. We are always careful. Besides, nobody will mess me if I have the big guy with me. Even if he is wearing a dress!
I don't think I could come up with anything better than Dog and Beth...
I wish my husband dressed up.
Halloween is my favorite holiday.
jj - I wanted to be Dog and Beth long before we saw the actual costumes. We were going to go to Goodwill and make our costumes. Shawn LOVES dressing up. He is a big kid in so many ways. He takes this very seriously, you know. His costume has to be just right....
jj- I forgot to tell you that I am still having problems with your blog. Every time I go to visit you, my computer freezes. I am still coming by every day, it's just hard for me to comment.
Wow. I adore Shawn.
Do the Elvis thing again!
Heidi - Elvis...Well, I have to find the hair, and I haven't seen the Poodle skirt in awhile. He really DOES like the Elvis thing, but I wanted something different, you know? Gawd, I can't even decide on a costume! I suck!
Dog and Beth. They're the best. I miss watching them since I reduced my cable channels.
Will you have to stuff your bra or are you okay in that department. I don't know how Beth stays upright.
My vote: Dog and Beth
babzy - I would NOT have to stuff my bra, I would just have to find a way to keep it upright! Gravity is NOT my friend.
4D - LOL.
Captain and Tenille?
(I have no idea where that came from)
Oh definitely - Dog and Beth! Tell Shawn to be brave, it will be fantastic.
Cindydianne - I LOVE it! What Tenille wear?
Gardenia - Everyone is voting for Dog and Beth. I think that I should be Dog and HE should be Beth. Just sayin.'
pfffff bwa hahahahaha!
Heidi - Shawn loves the Captain and Tennille idea. We have been researching them on YouTube. Oh yeah. I think we're gonna rock!
I need to think about this one...
the dog/beth thing is pretty funny...
Shawn has way too much hair for being Captain.
(LittleMan says: pacman and ms. pacman. Their 25th anniversary is coming up.)
No, no, no! Be Dog and Beth - don't go back!!Seriously, when do you get a chance to show off girls that you can hide a mickey in at a concert? You need a USA t-shirt and a mini skirt! Beth!! Seriously!!
Oh yeah - by the way. I vote for Dog and Beth. I hate dressing up, so I will live vicariously through you.
Camie - Actually, right now Shawn is pretty much bald. Anyway, he will shave his head, or buy a wig. Like I said he takes this VERY seriously :) I like the pac man idea, but I need to be able to make this costume. I don't think that I am that good.
Rain - LOL. EVeryone votes for Dog and Beth. I still have to convince him. I would love to see him with Dog locks, full of seashells and feathers.
I gotta say, he'd be full on awesome like that. We'll get you a blonde wig and jack up the ladies and everybody will know who you are!!
We've never gone trick or treating together have we? Or do I not remember...with my memory gaps...
I think I'm gonna be a gypsy for like, the sixth time in my life!
Funny post, Biddie! And hilarious comments! I have to vote for Dog and Beth too. Your Shawn is big enough to pull off Dog perfectly. I can't wait to see what you eventually come up with!
I usually dress up as a mad scientist, complete with white Einstien wig, white lab coat and blacklight bulb in the porch light to hand out the candy, but this year I'll be somewhere else, so I'll have to see what I can do.
Have fun!
last year I was gonna make my son and his friend a booger and a finger. Bunch of green crumpled up crepe paper for one, and poster board cut in oval shape, and colored tan, add a nail. for the other. hehehehe
Just a thought.
Or wherewolf and a victim. they of course argued over who would be the wherewolf.
heidi - no, we have never gone out together for Hallowe'en. Maybe we went to a school dance, though. Can't remember, either.
I still have no idea what we will finally do..I think that Dog and Beth would be good, too. Maybe I'll just get the stuff together and then hand it to Shawn on Hallowe'en. Maybe....
pheonix5 - Glad you liked it :) Are your kids ok with you dressing up? Jessie hates that we do. That kid has no haha. :(
burfica - That would have rocked! A booger and finger! Last year we made Kayla's b/f Jiffy Pop Popcorn. This year, I have no idea what they will be doing.
I'm sorry to hear that things are so crappy. (((HUGS))) I wish I had a costume suggestion to make you feel better but I don't.
I think Dog and Beth would be fun...i can't come up with anything better than that....
It's cool that you guys still dress up and have fun with Halloween. How about Fred and Wilma Flintstone?
I vote Dog and Beth, too! I want pictures...
whim - That's ok. A hug is great, too :)
jamie - Another vote for Dog and Beth! Hubby will have to listen to me now.
corky - Fred and Wilma? I like it, but I wonder how to get my hair like hers. Have you seen any wigs? Shawn could do Fred dead on, I'm sure.
Don't you dress up for Halloween? Soon you'll be taking Max out for treats. You better practice now.
marni - if we come up with something, there will be photos! I have to get Shawn to agree to something, 1st. Like I said he takes this WAY too seriously. :)
adult - Pirates? get back to work! Aren't you at school? Or shouldn't you be on your way there?
You just want us to be like the Pirate Parents that we saw on TV.
Come ON! If they man wants to be Captain, let him be Captain! LOL
~SIGH~ i am SO unoriginal... lol. my ex husband dressed up one year as a tube of toothpaste and i was a toothbrush.. lol. his costume was awesome and we wont the contest, got a free dinner out of the deal. all we used was a white pleated plastic lampshade and plastic sheeting that we drew the crest toothpaste logo and the rest of the stuff on the tube.i used to have a picture around somewhere.. but this was YEARS ago !! Daniel and i were hoping to be pirates this year ( he used to be one at Seattles seafare sunday parade )but i seriously doubt its going to happen this year.. maybe next year huh ? :)
Shawn would make an awesome pirate too y'know.
He would be good for-
bearded drag queen! haha!
did I mention executioner?
Get this guy some acting gigs, for real!!
cindydianne - LOL. He really likes the idea,but I need to see if I can find something(a dress) that will look like Tennille. Plus, the hair....
cynnie01 - My friend made her little girl a tube of toothpaste the same way one year. It was a great costume, but nobody got it. Seriously, people were like - hey kid, you got a lamp shade on yer head.
I love dressing up for Halloween. It's more about the money, this year. I need to do this on the cheap.
How about "Dany & Cindy" from Grease? You have 2 options: the clean or "dirty" version.
Or Ragady Ann & Andy? (not sure of the spelling)
Or, Pam & Kid Rock?!
I love dressing up as well - have fun!
stinkypaw - LOL! I love teh Pam and Kid Rock! I have the tata's, but other than that, we have very little in common. I don't think that I could get Shawn to agree to Raggedy Andy, and he HATES John Travolta - He calls him John Revolta, so Grease...not so much. I LOVE the Pam and Kid Rock idea though!
Are you going to dress up?
Only if we have a party! Last year I dressed up as a clown, at a client, where I was told (before hand) that everyone was dressing up. I showed up all made up, and NOT one employee had dressed up! It made for a day of funny looks from every visitors the office had that day! I was covereing reception!
stinkpaw - LOL. That is one of my worst nightmares. Still since it happened to you and not me, it's pretty funny.
Oh, I'm a bad blog friend.
My kids love it when I dress up! My oldest daughter (13) dressed up as a doctor in scrubs and joined me on the porch to hand out candy. She couldn't stop giggling about my glowing purple hair! LOL! My youngest thinks it's cool that Dad dresses up with them too. I guess both my girls have come to grips and accepted the fact that their Dad will never really grow up!
phoenix5 - You would think that my kids would have come to grips with it, too, but they are still struggling.
Oh I missed all the fun. I've not been around much this week. but I say, Dog & Beth! Dog & Beth!
omggg this is tooooooo funny...I like the Dog and Beth idea too..lmaoooooo.
Thanks for the giggles.
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