My little monster got out today. I was checking the mail about five minutes after her best buddy Larry left, and she snuck out. She was running up and down the street when a guy from the SPCA found her. When he tried to pick her up, she ran home. I wouldn't even have opened the door if I wouldn't have heard Ruby yapping her head off on the wrong side of the door.
I had to spend $8 buying her a new tag, because I lost hers many months ago. I only found the eight bucks yesterday as I was cleaning up.

My heart is still racing. She is such a brat. I was just about to hop in the tub, and I didn't even realize that she was gone. I wonder if the SPCA guy wandering by at just the right moment and the 'found' money were divine intervention?
oh what a rascal, naughty puppy, naughty, gosh but how lucky too! imilo lost his dog tag and i need to get him a new one, will put that at the top of my list now!
her indoors - I am soo lucky, because the guy from the SPCA could have given me a fine. I just had buy a new tag. I am sooo Lucky that the little shit ran home, too, instead of into traffic! She is SO bad!
Rascal is such a great word, isn't it? I love that word!
Your rascal is so cute, you just can't stay mad!
redneck - Nope. Can never stay mad at her. I might have been mad longer if I would have gotten a fine, though.
Let's assume it was and those are good pictures of your little Rascal!
BTW, you never sent me the text for your animals, I got the pictures, now I need you to tell me why love is a four-legged word!
stinkpaw - LOL. Sorry. I am too forgetful. Which photos did I send? I'll have to come up with something for you.
Bird and one of Ruby & Kayla
Stinkypaw - LOL. I forgot about Bird. Why DO I love him?
Oh that dog. She is so lucky she's so irresistibly gorgeous.
That is scary, man! My monster brat dog got out one day and I had no idea. One of my neighbours knocked on the door and asked if I knew where he was. He'd been sniffin around across the street. Monster. I make him sit now every time I open th efront door. He hesitates now instead of bolting, but he's also over 2 now. He's getting easier to deal with as he grows up. There is hope!!!!
Heidi - I had her in my arms and sure enough, in the 2 seconds between when I put her down and when I shut the door, she was gone. I think that she was looking for Larry.
I dunno. Your dog is so good. Ruby is so NOT. She hasn't taken off like that for a long time. maybe it is getting better. The Pug taught her how to walk..Maybe he can teach her some other stuff. Yup. He needs to come for another visit. Oh, you too, but you know, the Pug needs to visit.
Awww...I love dog pictures.
my oldest daughter did that once when she was about one and a half. Unlocked and snuck out the sliding door when my wife and I were both busy elsewhere in the house. We never knew she was gone until a neighbour (who babysat Jasmine a few times) rang our doorbell, with Jasmine in tow. She had found her strolling along the VERY busy street our townhouse complex backed onto. Extremely scary! We are so very thanksful our neighbour came along when she did!
I'm glad your rascal made it home safe too.
saly - Me too. Isn't she cute?
pheonix5 - Kayla was a great escape artist. Once, when I was on bed rest (had problems when I was expecting Jessica)my x, Goof, oops, Geoff, promised to watch KC and Kayla. (then 6 and 31/2) Instead, he took off to Fairview Park mall, and I was in bed sleeping. After I had been asleep for MORE than an hour, a friend comes and bangs on my door. She explained that Kayla had been running around in her rain boots. I said, oh yeah, she wears those every where, it's a phase.
She says, NO, JUST her rain boots. She had been scampering around for an hour NAKED.
Thanks, Geoff.
I know the street that you are talking about. I forgot, but I lived on Westmount Rd, right near the corner where your townhouses were. It was - IS - a very busy street. Thank goodness your little one came home safely :)
I'm glad you had the second picture posted. I though the first one was your wig or dust rag or something. Come to think of it, you could use him for a dust cloth then spray hhim with Cling Free. That way he could earn his keep.
coffeypot - LOL. HIS name is Ruby, and SHE is not a dust mop. Well, ok, she really doesn't do much, and she does collect dust, but STILL....You're bad, Coffey!
She's pretty! I do think it was divine intervention!
gardenia - Me too! I realized today just important the little doggoe is to me. She is my sunshine, and my constant companion. I would be lost without her. Truly.
She may be a brat but she is sooo cute!
what a little devil...glad the escapee made it back home safe and sound...lol.
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