It's that time of year again! Christmas village time!! KK set it up for me today while I was making supper. See the farm in the top photo? Brand new this year. It's my new favourite. I'll probably spend the next month or so moving the pieces around. The kids always put random crap in it, just to piss me off. It works. Today, we found Ruby walking through the village like she owns the place. I can't wait until we put up the tree. Darn dog will probably try to climb it. Or bark at it. For hours, like she did with J's parka, and the Pine-Sol, and the steam cleaner, all of the things have frightened her in the past couple of days.
Yesterday, J and I used our free passes to the movies to see The Santa Clause 3. I had a pretty good time. The movie wasn't exactly oscar worthy, but for a mom and her nearly 12 yr old daughter, it was ok. Besides, I didn't get hit with anything this time. And, it was free.

Wow! That is most impressive. That's almost a small town you got there! I think the mirror gives it the extra touch. Now I have seen your village I want to put our decs up too. although I don't know what G would say about that.
now, your making me homesick....
That's it! I am SO coming over!
tod - even though we ran out of space on our table, I think that I'll be adding more to it. Maybe I'll have to set up small villages all over the house. I know that it's a bit early for Christmas decorations, I love my little village soo much. I need it out for 2 monthsm at least...
fancy face - My Grandmother had a Christmas village that was very detailed and expensive..It was Norman Rockwell. Sometimes the village makes me think of her and the rest of my family. Do you think that you'll make it home this year for the holidays?
camie vog - Then come on over, already! You're not THAT far away...
You've a Christmas village, Harrods had a Christmas parade, the shops are full of Christmas puddings. It's only November the 6th!!! Humbug!!! wonder if Caz has got me pressies yet?
But do you Canadians celebrate Christmas, like, weeks in advance of us Yankees?
I would be stuffed if I attempted Christmas 4 weeks before [our] Thanksgiving...LOL...
Well, then again...it's the Thanksgiving thing isn't it? - Oh yeah....
Disregard me - lack of sleep, money and two incomes.....
Tis' pretty tho'.
Dilling - yes, already! It's such a pain to set up/take down, I want to make it worth the while. More than that, I love looking at the buildings at night when they're all lit up...
4D - You are a humbug! I saw a Christmas movie with J on the weekend, and it made me feel all Christmas-y. What on earth are pressies???
Nifty Christmas Village.
I think it is great that your kids pick on you by putting stuff in the village. That's funny and if they are anything like me, it's a sign of great affection!
Wait, you're in Canada, right? I get confused, because for me Christmas stuff doesn't come out until 'Santa' brings in the holiday season at the end of the Maci's Thanksgiving day parade in NY.. I just feel the turkey needs more attention (here) so I get turkey decorated stuff to put out until the parade day!!
home for thae holidays.. now that's one wish for the xmas list...last time I was home for xmas I was 16 years old...
Unfortuneatly, no because where I live is 2 days away from home and were not winter travellers..to dangerous, so we yak on the phone...and we cry..and we laugh...for now that's all ...maybe someday a xmas miracle will happen...who knows..you just gotta believe....xxxx.
I do remember one thing we did do back home when we were kids,on xmas eve we would go skating at Dows Lake..know where that is?
fancy face - No, I don't know where that is. It does sound like a nice memory, tho. I used to go skating at the duck pond when I lived in Nova Scotia, and it's one of my favourite memories, too.
Do any of your relatives come to see you?
ldbug - Yes, I'm in Canada. The holiday decorations and such are usually dragged out right after Hallowe'en. I won't put up my tree for awhile yet, it's too early for that, but I do love my little village. When is Thanksgiving? It's coming, soon, right? With a sister in Colorado, I really should know these things...
cindydianne - That's a sign of great affection?! If you say so..KK actually likes the little village, it's the other 2 that are the trouble makers...
that is really lovely, i love christmas, show me someone who doesn't!
this year i spending it in ireland with me mate and her family and i cant wait so please hurry up and get here!
looking forward to the photos of the tree, even those with the dog in it!!
Cool village! I love the farm one too. You are getting started early like me! I got our nutcracker tickets! Is Ruby your kitty? She probably wants to live there forever. My mother has a black sharpei - he spends his time running from one door in the house to the other barking constantly, even if no one is at the door, has been at the door. Maybe the barking is for all the "will be at the door" people????
her indoors - How exciting! When are you leaving? How long are you staying? I'll probably get some photos of Ruby misbehaving..She does it so often!
diana - Ruby is my Yorkie/Shih-tzu croos, the love of my life, the biggest brat in town! She is 6 months old now, and still not behaving. I put her photo up on Hallowe'en..She's wearing the bee costume.
uby does a lot of barking at the wrong time, too. The other day she barked for about 5 minutes straight at the couch. I couldn't figure out what the problem was...It was J's parka - for some reason, Ruby found it offensive. When are you seeing the Nutcracker?
I reallly shouldn't be such a humbug. Me of all people!
I do love your village though. And of course the comedic stylings of two of your daughters. Maybe this year I'll get in on it!
Heidi - And the farm? Do you love it? We got it in honour of you, of course...
Very cute. I've often thought about starting one of those villages but I'm so damn lazy that it would either A)never get taken down or B) never get put up.
Go Ruby! Stomp that village!
nonny - That is why it goes up early and stays up until it goes from a Christmas village to a winter scene. Thank goodness for my kids, or I'd still be fighting with the lightbulbs and cords....
KC - I don't even know what to say to you....
I love it!!!
I put out my first piece today. It just arrived in my Avon order. It has lights and a working fountain.
Hubby thinks it's too early to put out the rest :(
Soon enough though. It will be the first time I set it up in my new house. I'm a bit worried about space, but I'll make it work.
brony - A working fountain?! OMG! That's it, I HAVE to get an avon book! It's never too early!
Did you know that today your google ad says "cheating wife?" I'd hit the button but I'm afraid of what I'll find.
Heidi - WTF?
Our Thanksgiving is the last Thursday every November. It's a great weekend to eat, shop and ring in the Christmas season:-)
Also, yeah, what's with the cheating wife? I'm going to check it out....
Ha! It's adds from 'catch your cheating wife' to 'looking for cheating wives in your neiborhood? Dates for the..' WHAT?!! Kinda disturbing that services exist like that.
NOw it says Purim costumes for kids...Is that just to make us click on it? Will it take me to a cheating spouse link? I wanna know!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your Christmas village. I hope we will get some twinkly night shots too?
Tod - I might add to the village this weekend. Rest assured, there will be more photos!
I'm a little scared seeing so much Christmas stuff around Halloween. I don't even think about it until at least Thanksgiving, but I can understand. The village is really cool. I'd love to do something like that but then you'd have to dust and I hate to dust - that is unless it makes it look more like snow then it wouldn't be too bad.
A couple of years ago I put my manger up. I had a Spongebob that was perfect size. I put Spongebob ear baby Jesus. It was funny. When people came over they thought he was out of place but I made sure to tell them that Spongebob came with the wise men.
You go girl. There's a woman at work that has 5-6 trees and tons of stuff outside the house. She's been putting it upfor over a month now. You're not doing too bad.
Enjoy the season!!!
dj andi - I won't put anything else up for awhile, I just love the little village SO much. I hate dusting it, too. That's about the worst part. I love the twinkling lights and everytime I see it, I feel good. Silly, maybe, but I do love it.
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