This is the newest member of our family. He is actually KC's baby, not mine. (yeah, right)

Is he cute, or what?! Of course, Ruby is losing her mind. She is so jealous of the puppy. She's being good, though, sharing her toys and cookies. So far.

We have no idea what we want to name him. These are the options so far.
What we want you all to do is vote on the name that you like best. Have one that you like better? Let us know. Right now, the poor little baby is nameless :(
I like bumble, but this comeing from the woman who named her dog Dribbles. hehehehehe
burfica - I like Bumble, too! AND, I like Dribbles. Great minds think alike :)
I vote for Bosco! Bumble only if he keeps bumbling into things...
Poor Dribble... imagine having to live with a name like that...
pheonix5 - I like Bosco, too. And Bumble. Those are my two faves. Course, I like Elliot, too....
I think he looks like an Oscar...but then again that's just
I have been sitting here getting all caught up on what I have missed...glad you got your baby home where you can tend her yourself.
Isn't diabetes a truly awful disease?
I like Dasher!
Biddie, can you actually hear the rocks in your head when you move???
Next question- will this little guy become Shawn's dog too? Oh I am going to tease the heck out of KC!!!!
How old is he?
He is so gorgeous! I vote for Bosco.
The Teenager always wants to name things Snowball. This pup is the perfect candidate and it would make my son very happy!
but I like Bumble!
another vote for Bumble.
What a cutie!
I'm thinking Elliott - I don't know why.
We've been wanting a little dog as well.....I'm wistfully looking at your doggie. Yes, it does take rocks in the head to have one more pet, but oh well - when you see them, you can't help it, I know!
I guess Shitfactory is out of the question. So I'll go with Bumble.
I thought Elliott even before I seen the choices.
Your other dog looks like my mom's sugar dog that she had for years.
Doesn't it burf.
I vote for Oscar.
how stinkin' cute!!!
My vote is Bumble, then Bosco
Is he a Bichon or a Poodle? He is so cute. Bumble is really a cute name!
I think he totally looks like an Elliot...let us know!
I really can't decide on a name.
I vote for Elliot.Back in the 70's I had a dog named Elliot. Named after my favorite DJ(Elliot Mintz) on KLOS radio in Los Angeles. He went on to work for John Lennon.
Jax's cat is called Bumble so Bumble it is for me - either that or Furball?
Bumble does it for me too, oh he is so cute i am so jealous now!
so glad that you still managed to enjoy part of the christams holidays with friends old and new x
My vote is for Bumble.
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