Love is in the air. Ruby Tuesday has a new boyfriend. His name is Jimmy and he is a Yorkie/Poodle cross. They had their very first date on Saturday night. Ruby had a bath and Kayla even did her hair for her..
Don't they make the cutest couple? I'll let you know how it goes....
Poor Pug...he'll be heartbroken!
Dilling - I know..sigh..her other boyfriend, the Rottie, chased away a little shih tzu yesterday. My pup, the hussey. I don't know how the Pug is going to take this...maybe they can still be friends?
Well those two look like they were made for each other!!
Don't worry about the Pug. He had his Older Woman girlfriend Jazz over the other day. You know him- he has enough love for everybody!!!!
Heidi - You know how it is...These long distance relationships are hard on everyone. When Ruby sees The Pug again, it'll be like they were never apart, but Jimmy is here, in town, and is all boy, if you know what I'm saying....
She really does have a Rottie boyfriend. He chased away another would be boyfriend yesterday..oh, the drama. Mind you, just look at her there, posing like that, with her hair all did...what male dog could resist?
I hope she's taking it nice and slow with all of these guys.
Corky - KC was with her on her date with Jimmy. What kind of a pup do you think I'm raising here?
ah so sweet, could this be 'puppy love' sorry!!!!
her indoors - isn't he the cutest? I hope it works out! Imagine how cute the pups will be!
Another boyfriend! No offense but that Ruby really gets around. Someone is going to end up with a broken heart.
Whimsical - No offense?! LOL!I can't believe that you would say such a thing about my baby! A girl needs to keep her options open, you know!
Awwwww, how cute are they :)
kate - can't you just see the puppies that I could have crawling around my house by Christmastime?
I want one.
I've heard of YorkiePoo's but never seen one. How precious. I sent my Mom a copy of the YorkiePoo because growing up we always had Poodles (usually less than 12 pounds) and her last dog was a Yorkie. It's the best o both worlds. What is it's temperment? I think my Mom needs one.
Ruby has good taste.
Kate - You're at the top of the list.
dj andi - Jimmy is super sweet. (so is Ruby) Big old love sponges, the pair of them. That's part of the reason that we looked for a poodle cross.
The last love of my life was a poodle cross, a terri-poo, that we called Poodle. Best dog that I ever had, next to Ruby.
I agree, Yorkie/poodle IS the best of both worlds if you like small breeds. I'll be posting photos if it all works out. Should I put your name on the list?
but...but...she's just a baby herself! Our little Ruby????
but they will be killer cute.
Gawd, are you gonna be okay? I had ONE two-month old puppy and I cried every day from the stress. Maybe if there are five it just kind of cancels it out!!!!
Listen, I just came from your blog..JUST...
I am not KEEPING the puppies. I am NOT. I am WAY stressed from dealing with my doggy, but I will not be training these little guys.
yes, our little Ruby is still a baby..SIGH...anyway...we'll see if it works out. who knows, maybe Ruby and Jimmy won't work out. Girls can be fickle, even girl doggies.
"Dont question why she needs to be so free
Shell tell you its the only way to be
She just cant be chained
To a life where nothings gained
And nothings lost
At such a cost
Theres no time to lose, I heard her say
Catch your dreams before they slip away
Dying all the time
Lose your dreams
And you will lose your mind.
Aint life unkind?
Goodbye, ruby tuesday
Who could hang a name on you?
When you change with every new day
Still Im gonna miss you..."
Nice song haven't heard it in a long long time The Stones.
PS: Really cute. I do really hope you are doing ok. Mid-summer on the way. Smile
Y;-) Paddy
cute pics...I can hear Donny Osmond in the background singing " and they callllllllll it puppy loveeeeeeeeeeeee"
or is that "muskrat love" I hear...
gosh either one makes me really old doesn't it? LMAO.
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